In-order to Exalize your requirement and maximize your compressed air usage, few technical and commercial factors have to be taken into consideration.
This is the temperature at which compressed air enters the dryer. Larger inlet temperatures affect the performance of the dryer. Dew points might not be attained due to high in-let temperatures. Compressors usually dissipate heat through the compressed air itself. Exal can accommodate these factors in our design in-order to produce your requirement.
Dew point measures the dryness in the air. While pressure dew point (PDP) is indicative of the dryness of the compressed air, Atmospheric Dew Point (ADP) indicates the dryness if the compressed air depressurizes to atmospheric pressures. Lower the ADP/PDP, dryer the air. The required dew-point to a very large extent indicates the type of dryers that can be used. Exal can make and design dryers with Atmospheric Dew Points as low as -70 °C.
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